In this section, you will find the best and largest selection of calculated Ammunition & Munitions, prudent Firearms & Features, duty Holsters & Holders, cunning Sights & Optics, cutting-edge Lighting & Illumination Tools, Tactical Knives / Tools, vital Survival Supplies & Medical Solutions, adept Gear & Clothing, Less-Lethal Weapons, proficient Electronic Equipment and Tactical Accessories & extras for all your service and duty needs.
DNA Tactical is committed in our support of those who choose to serve the United States of America and its communities. For this reason we have created our "Specialty" category. Whether you're a firefighter, EMT, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, Police Officer, or any other individual brave enough to wear a uniform, volunteer your time, and help ensure the rest of us live in a safer world; we whole heartedly salute you!
DNA Tactical strives to carry the best selection of "Specialty" Tactical Equipment & Gear online; some items may be restricted to the general public, specifically designed and manufactured strategically for those men and woman who serve to aid, help and protect America and the Land of Liberty. If you are interested in buying one of these products on the net, please contact us to provide your credentials and complete your order. Our team of trained experts are here to serve you with the best quality service online.